Day 16 – The Merry Heart

Prov. 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
Have you ever been around a Christian who just simply was a pleasure to be around? Their laugh was contagious, their smile brightened your day and their whole demeanor glorified the Lord, Jesus Christ.
We always like being around someone like this don’t we? It seems that all our problems temporarily disappear and, for a time, we’ve entered their field of joy. No wonder Solomon stated that this merry person was like a good medicine. So many times I have visited a brother or sister in Christ with the sole purpose of encouraging them. Yet, it was I who was encouraged by spending time with that dear, merry saint!
Neh. 8:10b says that the joy of the LORD is our strength. In the world’s eyes, this dear saint’s circumstances were glum at best, but the Lord provides joy and peace to that merry heart. How? Through His Word!
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phi 4:7)
The person whose heart and mind are focused on Christ, won’t be worrying – won’t be depressed – won’t be anxious. Instead, this person knows that the Lord will take care of all the details no matter what. That kind of faith brings such peace – and peace brings joy. There’s nothing better than to know that a problem is being taken care of and you no longer have to fret over it.
Solomon was also quick to point out in the same sentence that the person with a “broken spirit” dries the bones. This person wears his emotions on his face. His countenance clearly tells you what is wrong in his life. The sorrows of the mind “drieth the bones” – in other words, this person’s demeanor consumes the very marrow of his being. It’s not superficial but goes way down deep into the heart of the person. He does not have a merry heart – he is joyless. I see this person walking with stooped shoulders as though the weight of the world is upon him. He has no confidence or faith in his God. He does not seek to find the solution but wallows in self pity. Rather than remove himself from the fires around him, he sticks around. Rather than go to the Source where healing can be found, he remains in his circumstances.
So, are we as quick to be around such a person? Many times, this joyless person blames his circumstances on everyone else but himself – never searching God’s Word for encouragement, let alone for healing.
I would rather be known as a Christian who has helped cheer another and brought healing into their lives than a Christian who has brought a frown upon people’s faces by my demeanor and actions.
Dear God…
Testimonies of a merry heart
Are like a ripple on still water
Touching many lives along the way
Sharing peace through stormy weather
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