(2 Tim 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Jesus can be found in every book in the Bible. This is such a blessing and can be found here.

I thought I would share resources with you that I use when I study:

  1. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary – This is an absolute must when studying your King James Bible. You would be amazed at the difference between the 1828 Dictionary and today’s Merriam-Webster. To test drive it, look up the word “sin” in both dictionaries and you will see what I mean 🙂 It is a free resource!
  2. e-Sword – Rick Meyers offers this awesome Bible software for free (basic version)! It offers devotionals, commentaries, Bible reading schedule, Bible memory verse program, Prayer Request feature, etc. You will not be disappointed. There are lots of extra downloads which are also free. I have downloaded Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, many commentaries, Fox’s Book of Martyrs and a few other e-books. Bro. Meyers’ ministry is based on Scriptures: “Freely you received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8 ).
  3. WordPress Free Blog – I journal my Bible studies and devotionals on my blog here at WordPress. But I also have a private blog daily for my personal devotions, prayer time and studies. This helps me to keep even my private times organized. You can easily export your blog so you can have a local copy.

I pray this is a blessing to you. As I come across more resources, I will add them here.

God bless your study time!

Bible Studies – This is a compilation of the various studies I have done.

Bible Studies by Category and Title

  1. Me Obey Him? – This is a study on a wife’s submission to her husband.
  2. Study on Submission and Obedience – This is a another study on a wife’s submission to her husband.
  3. The Definition of Submission – This is a study that goes into detail about what submission means.
  4. Married to an Unbeliever / Disobedient Husband – Covers 1 Peter 3 and what God expects of a woman and her obedience to her husband – whether saved, saved and backslidden or unsaved.
  5. Biblical Submission – What does God’s Word say about submission?

Other Studies

  1. Treatment of Brothers and Sisters in Christ – How should we treat the brethren?
  2. A Study on Blessings – This is a study on different blessings in the Word.
  3. To and Fro – This is a study on being grounded in the Word.
  4. Do Our Actions Say We Hate God? – What you say and what you do reflect your love for the Lord. What do your actions reveal?
  5. The Secret to Living a Successful Christian Life – What does God’s Word say about being a successful Christian?
  6. The World-O-Meter – How does the WORLD measure you as a Christian on the World-O-Meter?
  7. Spiritual Housecleaning – A comparison between Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus.
  8. Yay or Nay – Covers Proverbs 31:10-31 and comparing it to our own lives as a woman in today’s world.
  9. Six Ways to Prove that I am Saved – Revival message by Evangelist Hal Webb – Excellent and it gives the believer a guideline to prove out his own salvation.
  10. The Fool – This is a study on what the Word says about the fool.
  11. Being a Good Sister – How to be a good Christian sister to another Christian.
  12. Will I Come Forth as Gold? – Dealing with Trials
  13. An In-Depth Look at the Rapture by Alan Yusko – Details why Rapture will occur before the Tribulation
  14. Are You Moving Forward? – Mini study on the backsliding Christian
  15. 8 Steps to Living Peaceably with Your Unsaved Husband – I speak from experience on this one. This is what I applied to my life and it works!
  16. Hell Is No Laughing Matter A look at what Jesus said about Heaven and Hell.