Hymns – Day 21 – Saved from the Wreck

I have never heard the hymn that we are covering today. I was searching for something that would deal with the storms of life, and this came up. After reading the words and listening to the melody, I’ve discovered a treasure!
This beautiful hymn was written by Eliza Hewitt. This dear lady was born on June 28, 1851 and died on April 24, 1920. It appears that she was born, raised and lived in Philadelphia all of her life. Eliza’s teaching career ended when she became disabled due to a spinal problem. Here is a dear saint who did not allow the physical trials in her life to stop her from serving the Lord through writing hymns. She also served the Lord as a Sunday School superintendent at the Northern Home for Friendless Children and later on at the Calvin Presbyterian Church. It is also noted that she was a contributor to Sunday-school Helps.
Saved from the Wreck
Eliza E. HewittAdrift on the waters, so dark and so cold,
Afar from the beautiful city of gold,
A vessel is sinking, for heavy the gale,
The cable is broken, and tattered each sail.Refrain
Poor child of the wreck, see the lifeboat is near,
A sweet voice is heard, for the Master is here;
He walks every billow, controls every wave,
’Tis Jesus, King Jesus, “the mighty to save.”Oh, I was the sinner alone on the sea,
But love’s blessèd signal were floating for me;
Though thunders were rolling, and billows at strife,
Lo, Jesus was calling, “escape for thy life.”Refrain
I stepped in the life boat, provided for me,
And Jesus my Pilot, my Captain to be;
His bosom my refuge, my “haven of rest.”
I’m rescued from shipwreck, so happy and blest.Refrain
Life’s turbulent surges are kissed into peace,
The beacons are shining, and songs never cease;
Fair moonbeams, bright sunshine, illumine the tide,
While onward to glory we’ll joyfully glide.Refrain
Eliza must have gone through many a turbulent trial with her infirmity. I know so many dear saints who have debilitating diseases and chronic illnesses and yet they serve the Lord in whatever capacity they can.
The Christian is not promised that he will never go through hard times. But we are promised that in the midst of the storm, our Shepherd will lead us to still waters.
(Psa 23:2) He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
I think of those dear saints the Lord has allowed me to meet in my life who have been stricken with physical problems. Each of these saints has blessed me more than I could possibly say. Although they struggle to stay afloat in their physical storms, they minister to others showing how Christ has brought them to those still waters spiritually.
Where are you today, dear friend? Are you wallowing in self pity because of your ailments? You can serve the Lord despite all of your circumstances. Everyone wants to feel needed. The Lord wants to use you to help others – yes, even with your physical impairments the way they are. There are others in this world who are suffering just like you – with the same ailments as you. You can be a blessing to someone else and help them through their physical trials by sharing what the Lord has done for you and how He has helped you. You can meet this person’s needs by sending cards, praying for them, or even calling them. I have a dear friend who has fibromyalgia and every year the illness progresses. She sends “care packages” out to those who have the same illness and gives them information they need to help them through this illness. She sends them devotionals, Bibles, and anything else the Lord lays on her heart to be a blessing.
What struggles are you going through? Has the Lord helped you through depression? Then help someone you know who is struggling. We all have our crosses to bear in life – but we never bear them alone.
Psalm 107:28-31, Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. (28 ) He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. (29) Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. (30) Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! (31)
You may be the one that God wants to use to help someone out of his/her distress. People today are lonely and searching for peace and tranquility – yes, even Christians. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and He will direct you to someone to help. You will find that in helping others, you will be guided to the still waters and will find comfort from your trials.
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