Day 19 – The Proverbs 31 Wife

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. (Prov. 31:17)
Remember Rosie the Riveter? She was a poster girl during World War II used to encourage women to work outside the home to fill the jobs men were doing so men would be free to join the military and serve their country. I thought this picture was amusing because I believe this is how today’s woman envisions fulfilling Prov. 31:17. However, I don’t believe that this is how God wants us to look. Women are not to look like men and I’m sure most husbands would prefer their wives to be soft and feminine.
The Proverbs 31 wife has strength of body. She looks well to her health – she eats right – she exercises – she’s active. When we don’t eat properly, our bodies become sluggish, without energy. When we are strong physically, we are able to handle those every day tasks. I know that when I’m not feeling well, those tasks become mountains and I am overwhelmed. However, when I feel well, I feel that I can do anything! I’m sure she did not have any exercise equipment but somehow she strengthened her arms – probably working in the field she bought and sowed in verse 16. The women of old were busy women, all the day long. Their children worked right along side them.
Some Christian women, like myself, struggle to lose weight. I never compared the task of losing weight with the Proverbs 31 wife’s strength. Yes, it’s good for the Christian woman to build her spiritual life, but the Proverb’s 31 wife was strong in both her spiritual (verse 1) and physical life (verse 17). This wife worked at keeping herself strong.
Excess weight brings hardships to the body. Diabetes, arthritis, acid reflux, and high cholesterol are some of the common complaints of those who are overweight. Sometimes we willfully continue on this road of weight gain, despite having the knowledge of what it does to us physically – both men and women. If it is in our capability to lose weight, we should. Not doing so is not being a good steward of the temple that God has given to us to care for. If being overweight is your genetic “make-up” then you should strive to keep your body strong. Don’t forget to eat right and take your vitamin supplements. Your family depends on you being strong of mind and body.
Dear God…
Forgive me for failing
When it comes to my weight
May I strive to get stronger
For my family and mate
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