Day 17 – Proverbs 31 Wife

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. (Pro 31:13)
This wonderful lady took every opportunity to find what she needed for her family. I love the word “seeketh” used here. Today’s Proverb 31 wife would probably research on-line for deals and coupons. She would diligently search the newspapers for more coupons. She looks for quality material, as shown here by this woman searching for wool and flax. Flax was used to make thread and linen fabric. Both these fabrics (wool and linen) are not flimsy or cheap, as many sewers know. They are both sturdy fabrics and have a lot of wear.
Also notice that this wife worked willingly with her hands. I do not see a woman who is grudgingly working here. I see a woman who realizes that God created her to be a helpmeet to her husband. She desires to meet his needs by making clothes for him. She wants him to look good. Her family does not lack in this area.
Today’s devotional is not very long but packs a punch, doesn’t it? Even if you can’t sew, you should still be working to buy quality clothing at the best price. Do you seek the best bargains for clothing? Do you buy the latest fashions knowing that it will be out of style in a year? Do you buy a bargain item only to have to buy it again because it fell apart? I love thrift stores! You can buy quality clothing at a real bargain!!
Be wise as you look for bargains. Making and buying quality garments at a good price will not only help you to keep your family dressed well for the season but it will save you money in the long run. Your husband will be able to rest assured that his wife doesn’t squander the money he works so hard to bring home. He will rest easy knowing that his family will not have clothing that will fall apart but will be sturdy, beautiful and made or bought at a good price! Can your husband say that about you today? It’s never too late to start!
Dear God…
Help me to be wise today
As I spend each dollar bill
Help me use my resources
As I seek to do Your will
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