Good morning, Readers! It has been a challenging two weeks, to say the least. My husband has been quite ill and had two major surgeries between December 8th and the 16th! This isn’t the first time he’s been this sick. You would think I’d be used to his sickness. But when you see your spouse so sick, near death, you can’t walk away from it without an ache in your heart. However, (and that’s a BIG however) the Lord sustains and comforts me. Friend, there is no other like Jesus! We can overcome our trials with His help and the blessing of family and friends! I have a dear friend who came to comfort me and she was my “Jesus with skin on”! What a comfort – what a blessing!

God blessed me with another friend who shared this verse, Zephaniah 3:17, and it totally lifted my spirit! She knew exactly what I needed as well! Not only did I experience God’s “touch” through my friend, Angie, but I experienced His Word where it firmly planted itself in my heart through Lisa!

Although Zephaniah 3:17 was meant for Israel, it most definitely can apply to me as I’ve been grafted into that olive tree (Israel) when I was born again!

With that said, let’s break down Zephaniah 3:17:

  • The Lord saved me – Luke 7:50, Luke 18:42, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Ephesians 2:8-9
  • The Lord is with me – His Holy Spirit resides within me and will never leave me (Hebrews 13:5)
  • The Lord rejoiced over me when I became His child at salvation! Just as an earthly father rejoices when his child is born, so did my Heavenly Father! Just as it says in the Parable of the Prodigal Son: Luk 15:24  For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Also, the angels rejoiced when I was saved (Luke 15:10)!
  • The Lord gives beautiful peace and rest now that I am His (John 3:16, John 14:27).
  • And lastly, the Lord joys over me with singing! (Luke 15:10, Luke 15:6, Luke 15:9) Just as an earthly father brags on his children with joy in his heart, so does our Heavenly Father!

I am a child of the King! I love this song because it expresses exactly the overwhelming love I have for my Saviour!

Child of the King

Once I was clothed in the rags of my sin,
Wretched and poor, lost and lonely within.
But with wondrous compassion, the King of all kings,
In pity and love, took me under His wings.

Oh, yes, oh yes, I’m a child of the King
His royal blood now flows in my veins.
And I who was wretched and poor now can sing
Praise God, praise God, I’m a child of the King.

Now I’m a child with a Heavenly home,
My Holy Father has made me His own.
And I’m cleansed by His blood, and I’m clothed in His love & someday I’ll sing with the angels above.


Thank you Jesus! No matter what trials I go through, I know that my Father in Heaven loves me. I show this love to others by rejoicing in the trial He has allowed me to go through. He joys over me and sings!