It’s a new day and we have another opportunity to learn a bit more about what is to come upon the entire earth during the Tribulation period! The last time God judged the entire earth was with the Great Flood where Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives were saved from destruction. We also know that God promised not to destroy the whole earth by giving us the rainbow as His sign of that promise. However, He may not destroy the entire earth during His judgments during the Tribulation, but He will allow much death and destruction in order to waken the spiritually sleeping hearts!
As Christians in 2022, we can clearly see the demonic forces through the changes which have occurred in just the past two years. It is our responsibility to warn those in our circle of family and friends that the time is ever so near! Once the Rapture happens, the influence of the Holy Spirit will be removed and it will open the door to Satan and his minions. Their influence will now take over and if we think times have gotten bad now, wait and see! Christian’s possess the Holy Spirit and it is His influence within us that restrains the Antichrist from making his appearance to the world.
This chapter isn’t chronological but more parenthetical so we can see what happens in Heaven during the Antichrist’s reign. It’s as though the Apostle John wants to insert some ray of hope in the midst of God’s wrath. We know that the Lord is near to His child (Matthew 28:20). But these Tribulation Saints won’t possess the Holy Spirit as we do in the current Church age. The Spirit’s role will be as it was in the Old Testament, empowering some like Moses, David and others for their task at hand.
Tribulation Saints will need all the encouragement they can get from each other as they gather together in secret to worship God. If you don’t think this is possible, this has already happened in our own country and it can easily happen again! I used to go to church with an elderly lady whose grandmother was a slave in New Market, Virginia during the Civil War. Her grandmother told her many stories of her life growing up during this terrible time. Their entire family consisted of born again believers who had a few tattered pages from the Book of Psalms. They treasured these pages and hid them under the floor boards of their one room cabin. In order to worship God as a “church,” they would gather together in the woods in the middle of the night so they wouldn’t be seen. Each family brought whatever Bible pages they had and would share the Blessed Word with the others. They would quietly sing hymns and encourage one another in the Lord. Reader, this happened in our own country just a little over 160 years ago! We don’t hear about this on the liberal news but Christian persecution exists around the world today! Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. As of 2019, the top ten countries persecuting Christians in the world are:
1. North Korea, East Asia (Communist) – Population 25.4 million (1.7% Christian)
2. Afghanistan, South Central Asia (Islamic) – Population 31.6 million (99.7% Muslim)
3. Somalia, The Horn of Africa (Islamic) – Population 11 million (99.8% Muslim)
4. Libya, North Africa (Islamic) – Population 7.2 million (97% Muslim)
5. Pakistan, South Asia (Islamic) – Population 213 million (96% Muslim)
6. Eritrea, The Horn of Africa (Christian/Islamic) – Population 5 million (36% Muslim)
7. Yemen, Western Asia (Islamic) – Population 27.6 million (99.6% Muslim)
8. Iran, Western Asia (Islamic) – 81.6 million (99.5% Muslim)
9. Nigeria, Western Africa (Mixed) – 206.2 million (46.3% Christian)
10. India, South Asia (Hindu) – 1.35 billion (79.8% Hindu, 14.23% Muslim)
It will be much worse than this during the Tribulation! It won’t just be selected countries but the entire world will be against Christianity! Jesus said:
During the Tribulation, Christian persecution will be so great that even children will turn in their parents and vice versa! When those in your own family betray you, that’s pretty bad!
The hope of these remaining Tribulation Saints is that they remain strong, not receiving the mark of the Beast, and live to see Christ’s return to earth to conquer Satan and his followers! As we saw in chapter 13, our planet is already headed toward a one world government and a one world economy. Author Allan Bloom said:
“The essential component to establishing globalism is to eliminate any system of absolutes.”
The Closing of the American Mind
This sets the stage for globalism. Everything becomes relative; it removes absolute truth. Today, it is said that “Your truth says this but my truth says that.” There aren’t two versions of the truth, friend. There is only one truth and the other is false. Jesus said in John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and his earthly reign is devoid of truth. He cannot speak the truth because his pride wants everything to revolve around him. He is the ultimate narcissist!
We are currently moving forward and are very close to this one world government. We hear more and more prominent leaders saying things like Nobel prize winning economist, Jan Tinbergen:
“Mankind’s problems can no longer be solved by national governments. What is needed is world government.”
As well, Hillary Clinton stated:
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
Paid speech in 2013 at Brazil-based Banco Itau
The far left wing proponents want this one world government and are pouring vast amounts of money into achieving this very goal. The stage has been set and the mindset for globalism is currently at work through liberal leadership and the world’s most wealthy people. You can’t put your head in the sand and think this could never happen today! Friend, it is already happening! As the world lies asleep spiritually, mentally and intellectually, the powers that be are diligently working.
This will all come together with the Antichrist and false prophet to promote a one world religion. But God will still get His gospel out one way or another. As we look into chapter 14, note that it is divided into three parts:
- Verse 1 – And I looked – Jesus’ return with the 144,000
- Verse 6 – And I saw – Three angels to proclaim the Gospel and judge the world
- Verse 14 – And I looked – Three angels to harvest the world by separating believers from unbelievers
In the first five verses, John sees a Lamb (Jesus), who is the ultimate atonement for all people for all time. He’s standing on Mount Zion, which is a preview of Christ in chapter 19. John also sees the 144,000 servants of God (also see Revelation 7:3-4) who were sealed on the foreheads with the Father’s name. This brought to mind the Tefillin, which looks like a little box that orthodox Jews put on their arm and forehead. It is a reminder to the orthodox Jew to think about the Torah (first five books of Moses in the Old Testament). I love that God would mark His servants on their forehead! These 144,000 are virgins (Revelation 14:4) which I believe describes to us the purity of their faith. They followed the Lamb wherever He went and they were redeemed by Him. This is the same truth applied to us in Jude 1:24. We stand in Christ’s righteousness and our sin is not held against us. We will stand faultless before the Throne and we will sing a new song! Praise Him!! \o/ I long for the day when we no longer have to fight sin in our flesh.
Can you say the same, reader? Have you received Christ as your Saviour? If no, your sins are not covered by His sacrificial offering of Himself. You have not been redeemed by His blood. It is no coincidence that God has placed you here for such a time as this so that you may be saved if you are not already. Please click here and the link will open up in a separate tab to You Can Be Born Again and Know It!
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