1 Cor. 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

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My Saviour’s Price

My heart is drawn before the tree
Where You hung to pay the price
Without a word you took my place
What remarkable love would sacrifice

My heart breaks so when I meditate
On the suffering that You went through
I can scarcely believe Your willingness
For a worm such as I yet You knew

You knew what was waiting when You came
The path You had to take was clear
Yet You came despite the suffering
To draw me to Your heart so dear

Why would You do this, I don’t understand
A love so deep and compassion great
There’s nothing I’ve done to earn this love
You came knowing the pain of your fate

It is finished, You said with your dying breath
I no longer must pay this great price
You paid it in full, oh Saviour Divine
Your Precious atoning blood would suffice

Oh Blessed Redeemer, as you sit beside
Your Holy Father on Your Heavenly Throne
I long for the day I can look in Your face
The One my heart all these years has known

Oh glorious day when the pain is all gone
And the trials of this earth are no more
I hope to face my Shepherd with no regrets
And say, My Redeemer, My Saviour, My Lord!

Thank You precious Jesus, Oh Wonderful One
My heart can scarcely contain the joy
I’m so grateful for what You’ve done for me
This foundation of sin You destroyed

Saviour, daily I will give You my heart
And I pray that I will focus on You
Taking the Word to those who are lost
Leading them to salvation so true

April 12 2006
Kate Plourde

My Saviour, Complete

There is none other like my God
His love for me complete
I found my way one glorious day
At His most precious feet.

The feet who trod the land He made
Were pierced because of me
My sins did take Him to His death
That day upon the tree.

He bled and died so I might be
Saved to the uttermost
Not anything that I could do
Or tried to even boast.

The ones from times of long ago
Diligently did try
To follow and obey Him
They called Him El Shaddai

However hard they tried to keep
The laws commanded them
They relied upon their flesh
God said they were condemned

It is by grace that we are saved
A gift free from above
Jesus paid our penalty
Of death because of love

There is none other like the Lamb
Who sits on Heaven’s Seat
Lord of Lords, Eternal One,
The King of Kings Supreme.

Kate Plourde
January 31, 2008

My Heart Panteth for You!

My heart is full as I sit with You,
During this time of solitude.
A time ever precious and so sweet
Each day my heart’s made new!

Despite the problems of the day
I’m not feeling overwhelmed.
The loving Captain of my ship
Stands watchful at the helm.
The Master of the sea loves me!
My best is His loving plan.
He guides me through the storms of life.
I find rest in His bless’ed Hand.

Dear Lord, be the Commander of my life,
For You care so diligently.
The Word has promised You’ll never sleep,
While you guide me on life’s sea!

Kate Plourde (May 21, 2007)

My Heart is Full

There is no other who can fill my heart
The way You can, dear Lord.
There is nothing else that can satisfy
Like a drink from Your precious Word.

Each page has just what I need to read
To guide and to light my way.
When my heart is heavy or overwhelmed
Your words are fresh like winter air.

There is none other like you my Lord
You know exactly what I need
On each page Your Spirit whispers truth
And the waters of doubt recede

You raise me up when I am down
My spirit you cause to soar
As I look unto the hills for You
I find Your love and so much more!

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour is.
So deserving to be adored.
The Alpha, Omega, first and last,
And King of Kings forever more!

Kate Plourde
October 24, 2007

My Forwarding Address

This is a notice of my quest to move on
No longer to live in rooms void of light
Each brings me so much pain and remorse
I would wander inside as though it were night

The first room of choice is the darkest of all
The attic so small but filled with the old
And dust covered secret sins long forgotten
But kept just in case desires should unfold

My bedroom was next, neatly tidied within
Filled with sins of omission – all smartly hidden
From family and friends, so they could not see
The depravity and filth, neatly painted within

As I walked down the hall, the kitchen in view
Here was a hub filled with family discussions
At mealtime yet nothing really nourished within
Nothing took root, only increased frustrations

After the family room where I would kick back
To entertainment crammed with cursing and sin
My mind and my heart were hardened and blind
By the choices I made much to my shame and chagrin

The basement was last and I feared this one most
The corners were dark, filled with questions and doubt
It was here that You shined the Light of the Word
And established my heart, now I scream and I shout

I’ve been wondrously saved by the Blood of the Lamb
No longer to roam in this house, it’s now banned
To God be the Glory I now have a new home
In heaven for me and it’s called Beulah Land

Given to me by the Lord
May 4, 2006

My Father and I Are One

My Father and I are one,
Joined together because of His Son
Not by my actions or deeds
But only by the work Christ has done

Salvation was freely given,
By the One who had paid the full price
He painfully said “It is finished”
Offering Himself as a sacrifice.

The Father and I are one
Because of Christ’s work for the lost
I am gloriously saved by grace
Thank You, Father, for the work of the cross!

Kate Plourde

My Darling

Written for my dear husband for his birthday!

When my eyes fell upon you
This teen girl lost all control
Not only did you win my heart
You reached my very soul

We walk on this path called life
Hand in hand, along our way
Though times are not always easy
God guides us day to day

I’ve always been so proud to be
Your lover, friend and wife
I still get those butterflies
As I wait for you each night

I love you, my dear husband
I’m truly blessed beyond compare
I married you, my soul mate
You’re my treasure, oh so rare

Our life’s journey is not over
Our retirement is near
And as God reigns supremely
We have not a thing to fear!Kate Plourde
October 20, 2006


The mountains shout out your majesty
The oceans roar of your might
The birds sing your glorious wonders
The night skies glitter your light

Lord God, oh King and Creator of all
Your people shout and cry
You fill our lives with your wondrous works
We praise your name on high!

The country side reveals your beauty
Each flower and tree your grace
The valleys are filled with your presence
Creation sings their praises!

Lord God, oh King and Creator of all
Your people shout and cry
You fill our lives with your wondrous works
We praise your name on high!

Kate Plourde – February 2010

Lost but Found

So lost in an untamed sea of misery and despair
With foaming waves of despondency and anguish
Searching for answers to questions never shared
Nor spoken aloud for fear of utter rejection

Until a glimmer of light pierced the darkest clouds
Breaking through the wretchedness of my wicked heart
Revealing the need to be freed from this sinful shroud
Which covered me completely and blinded my soul

This glorious light penetrated through my blindness
And revealed the beauty and wonder of the Master
Jesus who created me, fashioned into His likeness
To be a reflection of Him when His task is completed

I am astounded that Christ would spare even but a minute
To teach and guide a spiritually lacking one such as I
But as the Potter guides and shapes the clay to mold it
He will adorn this child with His beauty and His Spirit.

How glorious it is to dwell on the thought of His appearing
To visualize in my mind’s eye how we will see His face
I shudder to think of those left behind and what they’ll be missing
As we celebrate a reunion that has truly been long in coming.

Kate Plourde
June 2004

Looking Up to the Hills

My eyes look up as they search for help
Toward the hills where the promise lies
The Creator’s not far, He works His way
Toward me from the other side

He guides my walk and protects my feet
From stumbling on the rocky steep
Great comfort lies within my heart
Knowing that He shall never sleep

Christ is my shelter, He provides me shade
During the fiery trials of life
Under the shadow of His Blessed wings
Peace and comfort throughout the night

This Keeper of my soul ever vigilant
Protecting me through life’s storms
And watches over me with such care
Not just today but ever more!

Kate Plourde
August 11, 2006

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