1 Cor. 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

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Through the Valley

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Author and Finisher of my faith
Do guide me along the way
Bishop of my soul I plead
Shed Your grace throughout the day

Beloved Shepherd and my Friend
Draw nigh in my time of need
Almighty Captain direct my ship
And calm my billowing seas

Oh Lord of lords and King of kings
You walk along side with me
To You I turn my Refuge and Rock
I find peace there when I flee

Kate Plourde
February 20, 2008
(I was moved to write this while meditating on some of Jesus’ precious names found in the Word!)

The Trials of Life

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The trials of life are a training course
With the goal to draw us to His side
Some obstacles are easy, some are hard
Each one with its own lesson applied

What do we do with each of these trials
Do we grumble through them, complain?
Do we bad mouth the Lord with our actions
Each of these smearing His name?

Or do we trust in Him to pull us through
And give us insight from His Word
Every storm has a calm sea at the end
A beautiful rainbow from the Lord!

Given to me by the Lord
Kate Plourde

The Stranger

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I let a stranger in my life
He filled my every need
He didn’t ask much of my time
So easy was He to please

He simply said His load was light
How true that was to be
I grew to love Him more each day
And now I am set free

I can’t explain the way I feel
This happiness inside
I want to share it with all I know
A love I just can’t hide

Why does He make me feel this way
I can’t begin to know
He says to put my trust in Him
And inside me His Spirit grows

He’ll show me what there is to life
If I just keep His Holy Word
He’ll help me through the grief and strife
If I just make Him the Lord of all

It’s not easy to give in to Him
To change those old wicked ways
But He knows this and with an outstretched Hand
He helps me not to stray

He asks so little in return
For all these needs I ask
Only to love and praise His Holy Name
And that’s such an easy task

Oh how happy I am I let Him in
That stranger in my life
No more darkness will I ever see
Just His sweet and glorious Light.

Kate Plourde

March 1981

The Still Waters

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When the storms of life are raging
And the trials are too much to bear
He leads me to that peaceful shore
Where He shows me that He cares

The waters there, so still and clear
Quench my thirst and calm my heart
My Shepherd waits there patiently
Assuring me He’ll not depart

As I sit along the water’s edge
I pour out my heart and soul
He puts His arm around my neck
And my tears begin to roll

His eyes tear up as I share each trial
It’s as though He feels my pain
My Shepherd gives my neck a squeeze
Giving joy which I can’t contain

A Friend, Brother, and Shepherd is He
His Word gives me strength and delight
He refreshes my poor broken spirit
And gives me songs in the night

My visits beside those still waters
Grow sweeter with each passing day
I eagerly run there each morning
To hear what my Shepherd will say

His Words bring refreshment and solace
The love in His eyes stir me so
May I always be found ever serving
Through my actions, His love will I show

Kate Plourde
October 6, 2006

The Rose of Sharon

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You are the rose of Sharon
And the Lily of the Fields
Your words are fruit unto my soul
In your shadow I do kneel

While there I’m led to the banquet house
Where Your banner o’er me is love
I seek your voice so desperately
Your words are soft as the dove

As the shadows flee and darkness comes
My Saviour awaits there for me
With arms out stretched and inviting
He has promised His comfort so sweet

Kate Plourde
August 22, 2006

Praise Your Holy Name

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I lift up my voice and sing praises
To the One who made me whole
He pulled me from the miry clay
And a new heart did He mold

Rejoice with me friend and sing His praise
With melody clear and sweet
Worship the Lord God Almighty
This day through eternity

Your Name is above all other names
You’re the blessed Three in One
The Great I am, Emmanuel
For which greater there is none

Rejoice with me friend and sing His praise
With melody clear and sweet
Worship the Lord God Almighty
This day through eternity

Kate Plourde, December 29, 2008

Perfect Love

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Adrift upon life’s stormy billows,
True despair sets in as darkness falls.
The tempest raging, days turn to night.
Can peace be found amidst it all?

My heart is discouraged, my eyes dim.
It is exhausting to seek the cure.
But I know that His Word is my salve.
It is healing and peace, He assures.

A glimmer of hope, Oh soul rejoice!
The Shepherd’s hand wipes away my tears.
Each drop replaced with His light and peace,
His perfect Love casteth out all fears!

Kate Plourde
August 15, 2006

Oh Watcher of My Soul

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My Shepherd cares for my every need
In my life and along the way
He gives me peace with every trial
Reviving my heart each day

His dear rod and staff are a comfort
As I struggle through that dark vale
They guide me to that River of Life
Refreshing my soul as I sail

He guards my path from the enemy
Each moment, each heartbeat, each breath
His love for me has no boundaries
Far reaching from the cross, to His death

Watcher of my soul You are my King
Diligent, not sleeping, and so kind
I will glorify Your name dear Lord
As I await Your Kingdom divine

Kate Plourde
August 16, 2006

Ode to 1 Peter

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(1 Peter 2:21-25) For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (21) Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: (22) Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: (23) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (24) For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. (25)

The God I serve is not made of stone
Nor crafted by human hands
The Saviour left His heavenly throne
And took on the form of man

His suffering was an example
His steps I diligently seek
He knew no sin, no deceit or guile
But bore my sins on the tree

His work on the cross brought death to sin
So I can live righteously
The Shepherd and Bishop of my soul
Purchased me for eternity

Kate Plourde
August 17, 2006

My Saviour’s Price

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My heart is drawn before the tree
Where You hung to pay the price
Without a word you took my place
What remarkable love would sacrifice

My heart breaks so when I meditate
On the suffering that You went through
I can scarcely believe Your willingness
For a worm such as I yet You knew

You knew what was waiting when You came
The path You had to take was clear
Yet You came despite the suffering
To draw me to Your heart so dear

Why would You do this, I don’t understand
A love so deep and compassion great
There’s nothing I’ve done to earn this love
You came knowing the pain of your fate

It is finished, You said with your dying breath
I no longer must pay this great price
You paid it in full, oh Saviour Divine
Your Precious atoning blood would suffice

Oh Blessed Redeemer, as you sit beside
Your Holy Father on Your Heavenly Throne
I long for the day I can look in Your face
The One my heart all these years has known

Oh glorious day when the pain is all gone
And the trials of this earth are no more
I hope to face my Shepherd with no regrets
And say, My Redeemer, My Saviour, My Lord!

Thank You precious Jesus, Oh Wonderful One
My heart can scarcely contain the joy
I’m so grateful for what You’ve done for me
This foundation of sin You destroyed

Saviour, daily I will give You my heart
And I pray that I will focus on You
Taking the Word to those who are lost
Leading them to salvation so true

April 12 2006
Kate Plourde

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