My heart is drawn before the tree
Where You hung to pay the price
Without a word you took my place
What remarkable love would sacrifice

My heart breaks so when I meditate
On the suffering that You went through
I can scarcely believe Your willingness
For a worm such as I yet You knew

You knew what was waiting when You came
The path You had to take was clear
Yet You came despite the suffering
To draw me to Your heart so dear

Why would You do this, I don’t understand
A love so deep and compassion great
There’s nothing I’ve done to earn this love
You came knowing the pain of your fate

It is finished, You said with your dying breath
I no longer must pay this great price
You paid it in full, oh Saviour Divine
Your Precious atoning blood would suffice

Oh Blessed Redeemer, as you sit beside
Your Holy Father on Your Heavenly Throne
I long for the day I can look in Your face
The One my heart all these years has known

Oh glorious day when the pain is all gone
And the trials of this earth are no more
I hope to face my Shepherd with no regrets
And say, My Redeemer, My Saviour, My Lord!

Thank You precious Jesus, Oh Wonderful One
My heart can scarcely contain the joy
I’m so grateful for what You’ve done for me
This foundation of sin You destroyed

Saviour, daily I will give You my heart
And I pray that I will focus on You
Taking the Word to those who are lost
Leading them to salvation so true

April 12 2006
Kate Plourde