At the center of every trial is a person who is searching. Searching for what, you may ask? People have this deep desire to know why this has happened to them. This leads to dwelling on the trial rather than dealing with the trial. When one dwells, one makes his heart’s home in the midst of the trial. When one deals with the trial, one looks to coping techniques.

What kind of techniques can you use? Today’s Scriptures are a wonderful and practical teaching tool. When we seek the Lord God, His face and His strength, we are turning to the Source that has all the answers; not just a few, but all the answers! (Matthew 7:7-8) He is an expert at everything!! (Exodus 31:3) He is the Master of all things (Deuteronomy 10:14, Psalm 24:1) … the Author and Finisher of our faith! (Hebrews 12:2)

Another technique is the world’s version of “positive thinking” but ours is a calling from God which provides peace. Psalm 105:5  Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; When you sit quietly, be still, and know that He is God, memories will flood into your mind; good memories of what the Lord has done in your life. He will remind you of how His hand guided you along the way. He will remind you of how He carried you through that last storm of life.

Fill yourself, Christian. Fill yourself with the treasures of God that can only be found when we seek them. Treasures don’t just magically appear. Seeking treasure takes work, which is probably why so many Christians don’t take the time. But God’s buried treasure is available every single day! Take time out before you begin your day. Praise Him for His marvelous works in your life and all of creation. Thank Him for your blessings. Then sit quietly and wait … buried treasure awaits!

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