1 Cor. 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

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Jesus My Redeemer, My King

Thou art my Rock and my Fortress
Thou art my hiding place
Under Thy wing of protection
Thy Word I truly embrace

Thou givest me song in the nighttime
Thou givest me light on the way
Directing my every footstep
Protecting my night and my day

A Shepherd Thou art in my life Lord
Thy rod and staff guide my way
Gently prodding, pulling and guiding
My heart at Thy Throne I do lay

What comfort Thou givest this pilgrim
What peace and joy lies within
Tis nothing I could do for myself, Lord
Only Thy Blood cleanseth me from this sin

Dear Jesus, Thou art my Deliverer
On Thee will I focus my heart
Thou hast given me life eternal
My name from Thy Book will not part

I will meet Thee my Lord, my Redeemer
When my course on earth has been run
And my eyes will be able to see Thee
Then in person I’ll worship the Son!

Oh come join me all ye who love Him
Let our voices ne’er cease to sing
Cast thy burdens at Jesus’ Precious Feet
Shout Hosannah to our Heavenly King!

Given to me June 16, 2006
Kate Plourde


Just as I was, You accepted me
Ended was my search and quest
Such amazing grace which I received
Undeserved mercy at best
Sweet precious Saviour to me!

Kate Plourde
April 2006

Haven for My Soul

Oh how my soul longs to be with Him
Exhausted from the trials of the day
I look forward to sitting close by Him
And wait anxiously to what He will say

He watches, He beckons, Come join Me
I will quench your thirst and make you whole
Sweet solace I’ll give beyond measure
At this peaceful haven for your soul

This sanctuary I’ve made for you
To shelter you during times of storm
And prepare you for trials up ahead
While a work in you heart I perform

I go to my haven each morning
All my cares at His feet I do lay
I leave them with Him for He loves me
As I travel on life’s narrow way.

© Kate Plourde

Gleanings from Psalms

As the grass doth wither and the flowers fade away
Thy Word shall stand forever as a light upon my way
Quicken thou me this day, O Lord, according to Thy Word
So I may share Thy glorious hope to a dying world.

Thy Word is hidden in my heart to shelter me from sin
Each word is breathed upon my soul and rooted deep within
Springing forth in times of need to freshen day by day
This manna doth feed me and molds this lump of clay

©Kate Plourde
September 8, 2010


There are different kinds of friendships
That we encounter along the way
That vary with each different person
And change from day to day

There is only one kind of friend though
That is worthwhile waiting for
The kind that always stands behind you
And provides you with so much more

Much more than mere companionship
Much more than a bending ear
But the kind that always holds you tight
Whenever you’re close to tears

The kind that understands your ways
Without a question or a word
The kind that just cannot be bought
And if so, I could not afford

And this, my friend, is a story of you
That I hold dearly to my heart
I thank the Lord for your sweet friendship
And pray that we’ll never part!

Kate Plourde



Lord, You’ve been so faithful in
those times I’ve cried to You.
You’ve answered so many prayers,
and made wondrous dreams come true!

You’ve always been there to guide me
when I wasn’t sure what to do.
You gave me strength when I was weak,
and Your light came shining through.

I thank and praise You for Your gentle touch,
of reproof when I’ve gone astray.
You promised You’d never leave my side,
and You’d walk with me every day!

Kate Plourde



You knew before the foundations of earth
That you’d have to die for man kind
Yet you took upon you this vessel of flesh
To die for a worm such as I

Although the knowledge of strife and pain
You would have to endure on the way
You came to your fate regardless of self
For the sinner your life you did lay

Despite your destiny you chose to leave
Your heavenly home and your throne
You left behind your royal robes
To die on the cross all alone

Your nail scarred hands and side remain
As evidence of what you went through
Let me focus my eyes and thoughts on them
And to daily bring glory to You!

Given to me by the Lord
Kate Plourde

Counting My Blessings

I am thankful for my blessings
Not a day does ever go by
Where my heart reaches toward Heav’n
And my eyes can’t help but cry
Each need my Saviour does provide
Never slacking nor does He sleep
His timing is truly perfect
In His palm my life He keeps
There are times my needs are many
Some met before I even ask
At times the Lord remains silent
Yet he’s working on the taskMy Shepherd lovingly does care
For each intimate of details
He carefully does touch them all
With His hand which never failsI thank You Lord for loving me
For this love I do not deserve
It was free for me to receive
Now with gladness do I serve!

Thank you, Lord…

For my husband, John, and giving him a strong body and mind to lead our family.

For my son, Aaron, and giving him the gift of teaching to mold tomorrow’s young minds.

For my son, Adam, and giving him a love for his country to serve as a Marine.

For my Pastor and church family and the blessing they are to me.

For my dear friends (you know who you are) who touch my heart and challenge me.

For my brother and his dear wife for opening their lives so we may join in.

For my health – for without it, I could not use the gifts You have given to me.

For meeting each need in our lives as we praise Your Name and share the blessings with those who will hear us.

I’m eternally grateful for these and too many to record here. I love you, Lord!Kate Plourde
November 27, 2007


A state of confusion is what I was in
I walked in the darkness along with my sin
I knew something was wrong in this life of mine
But just what was missing I could not define

I went a long way, I was rambling along
Not putting my finger on just what was wrong
Until that day came when my rambling was done
I found my confusion was finally gone

Confusion was replaced with beautiful peace
A promise given that my dark days would cease
New life has been given to me by His Hand
My sin debt’s been paid by the blood of the Lamb

Wonders and promises are given to me
By my side He’s promised He always would be
He will be right there whenever I call
And pick me right up if I ever should fall

He’s blessed me endlessly I have to admit
And taught me to look up and never to quit
So much I have learned that my mind’s in a whirl
But all this He’s promised to His precious world

Make Jesus our Lord that’s all we need do
All of His promises will truly come true
It’s not all that hard as we think it will be
And joy we will have for an eternity!

Kate Plourde, 1981

Come and Eat!

Come and eat, my Mother would call me
Those words still ring in my ears
Every time when I think back on my life
Her words just bring me to tears

How I did cherish every moment
As Mom and I went on our way
Going shopping together and talking
Her comforting words dearly stay

She taught me to care for my family
Inserting love with each task of the day
How to lovingly care for each detail
And be there for them on their way

Those days I’d rest my head on her lap
I can still smell her fragrance like flowers
She would rub my back with such patience
Never complaining it had been for hours

As I call out my door, Come and eat!
To children of my very own
I will never forget my dear Mother
Who’s now in her Heavenly Home.

I encourage you ladies whose mothers
Are still with you today as you meet
Cherish each moment spent together
And treasure those words, Come and eat!

Given to me by the Lord
Kate Plourde

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