Will we be found faithful when You come for us, oh Lord?
Or will efforts be on things not worthy of reward?
These are my deepest thoughts as I strive to do your will,
To glorify your Name and share your precious Word.

The time is near, our heads looking up with eagerness!
All our unsaved loved ones will suffer the devil’s reign.
Father, give us one more day to share the blessed news!
Please remove all those scales to behold Amazing Grace.

Lord please use me in my circle, let them see my joy.
Peace, rest, and love ever present for the seeking soul.
No greater love than Yours can be shown amongst all men.
Selfless love to be found that makes a lost sinner whole!

Despite my conflicted heart, come quickly, Lord Jesus.
I so long for the cares of this world behind me.
Any crowns or rewards are to be laid at your feet,
Your church, bowed, will praise you, throughout eternity.

@Copyright Kate Plourde 2024