How these end-time events have grabbed hold of men’s hearts and turned them into evil hearts. The more the Bible has been removed from public places, and personal lives, the less people think about its contents. Its contents used to be considered so sacred that men swore oaths with their hand upon it. Why? Because it used to be considered holy and when an oath was taken with hand on the Bible, it was believed that man’s response to that oath would be truth! It is no longer. In one of our Lord, Jesus Christ’s prayers, He told the Father:
How can one follow a “book” in obedience without it containing truth? Would you base your life on a Star Wars novel? Of course not. Within the pages of the Bible, you have the very words of God. All of the Bible is truth and you can rely that you are not being misguided. In its pages you find direction and answers to every question in life.
Man’s whole life is spent searching for the true meaning of life. Some don’t understand what they are searching for while others take the advice of friends. Mankind is always searching for what will me them happy.
Scripture instructs us on how to be happy. True happiness can only be found when we have Christ as our Saviour. There’s no other that can bring total joy and satisfaction. Christ’s saving blood covers our sin and His word allows us to learn and draw from Him. In these difficult times, draw close to His side through the Bible. Read and absorb and then reach out to others to share the Gospel.
The Psalmist knew hundreds of years before how to cleanse his way and that was through the word of God! He knew that cleansing only came from God.
It is only through salvation can a person find peace in the midst of the tumultuous times to come. If you think things are bad now, wait until after the Rapture of the Church. Don’t be left behind! Settle where you are going to spend eternity right now. Friend, it is no coincidence that God has placed you here for such a time as this so that you may be saved. Please click here and the link will open up in a separate tab to You Can Be Born Again and Know It!