Good morning, reader! How exciting are the times that we’re experiencing! There are wars and rumors of wars going on around us. The various news sources are filled these headlines. But friend, I’m not anxious or afraid at all 🙂
The Bible teaches us that born again believers (those who possess the Holy Spirit in their lives) will not go through this horrible time that will affect the whole world. I understand that there are those who believe that Christians will go through the Tribulation but let’s look at the Scriptures. Today’s verse tells us that this tribulation will affect the entire world. The second verse tells us that it will be like no other time in history.
But Jesus says in Revelation 3:10 that there is a time that will come that will affect the whole world, which is the Tribulation. He also states in that same verse that He will “keep the Christians alive at that time FROM the hour.” He doesn’t say He’ll keep us THROUGH it. How can the Lord keep us FROM this? This must be the time that He removes us from the earth.
This verse does not say that God will keep the church-age saints through the temptation but FROM it. There’s a big difference, amen? I’ve shared the following verses with you before but they are worth repeating. Paul taught us quite a bit about the Rapture and if it occurs in the middle of or at the end of the Tribulation, there would be nothing to encourage the hearts of the church-age Christians. Who would find encouragement in going through trials that are the worst trials ever recorded? Let’s read together:
This event cannot be the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation because Christ comes back to earth. Verse 17 says that we will meet Christ IN THE AIR. Also, if we are to go through any part of the Tribulation, how could we comfort one another???? There is no comfort going through the judgments of Revelation!
Does this excite you, reader? It surely does me! But to the one who is not saved, it is a different story. Friend, it is no coincidence that God has placed you here for such a time as this so that you may be saved. Please click here and the link will open up in a separate tab to You Can Be Born Again and Know It!
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