Day 3 – To Obey

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Eph 6:1)
Mary and Suzie, let’s color the letter “O”. “O” is the letter at the beginning of the word obey. Our Bible verse today has the word obey in it. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Eph. 6:1. To obey means that you do what Mommy and Daddy ask you to do right away. Discuss ways Mary and Suzie can obey you as they color the letter “O”. Example: Mary obeys Mommy when she puts her toys away when Mommy asks her. Yeh Mary!! (Clap your hands and smile!)
Obedience Song
(from Patch the Pirate)
(Clap while you’re singing this with them)
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe:
Doing exactly what the Lord commands,
Doing it happily!
Action is the key, do it immediately.
Joy you will receive!
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe!
And you spell it O B E D I E N C E (yes, Sir!)
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe!
Bible Time
Let’s open the Bible and learn what God says about obeying Mommy and Daddy.
Scripture: Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Eph 6:1)
Mommy was busy changing Matthew’s diaper. Mommy said, “Mary, would you please get Mommy the baby powder over there?”
Mary heard what Mommy asked but she was busy playing with her doll and she really did not want to stop. Mommy had to ask Mary again. Mary finally got up and went to get the baby powder for Mommy. But Mommy had to ask Mary two times. (Hold up two fingers and make a sad face.) After Mommy was finished changing Matthew’s diaper, she took Mary by the hand and sat her down. Mommy said, “Mary, you did not obey Mommy right away. The Bible says that you should obey me because God says it is right. God says that Mommy has to punish you because you did not obey right away. So because you did not obey me right away, Mommy will have to (fill in the form of discipline you use in your home).”
Did Mary obey right away? No, Mary did not obey Mommy right away, did she? (shake head no and frown). The Bible says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Eph 6:1) Have them repeat this verse two or three times. Does God say in the Bible to obey your Mommy and Daddy? (Shake head yes, and smile!) Yes. God is happy when children obey right away. (clap your hands and make your voice perky when you say it) Our verse today says that it is right for you to obey your Mommy and Daddy. If you disobey Mommy and Daddy, will you be punished? (Nod your head yes.) Yes, Mommy and Daddy have to obey God, too. If you do not obey, then Mommy and Daddy have to punish you because God said so. Mommy and Daddy obey God right away. (Nod your head yes and smile.) What will happen if you do not obey right away? (Have them tell you what will happen – the form of punishment you use at home – this helps them to understand the consequences of disobedience.)
Teaching Throughout the Day
As you ask your children to do chores and tasks today, remind them of their Bible verse. If they do not obey right away, sing the Obedience Song to remind them. If they still do not respond, take them by the hand and recite the verse as you walk them to the task you’ve asked them to do. Toddlers who have already learned to obey will need to be disciplined if they disobey. Those who are just learning should be shown. You know when your child is deliberately disobeying. If they throw a tantrum, make sure to recite the verse and explain to them that is why you are disciplining them. Have them repeat the verse back to you. Tell them that you want to be obedient to God, too.
Dear God…
Help me to obey Mommy and Daddy right away.
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