Day 2 – Being Kind

And be ye kind one to another (Eph 4:32a)
Have children color the picture of the two little girls. Give the little girls names, if you have two daughters, use their names. As they are coloring, show them that they are sharing the flower together. See how kind Suzie is? She is letting Mary smell her flower. Suzie knows that the Bible says to “be ye kind one to another”! Good job, Suzie! (Clap your hands and shout hooray!!)
Kindness Song
(Sing to the tune of Three Blind Mice)
Be ye kind
Be ye kind
That’s what the Word
Says we must do
We must be kind to each other now
So God can be pleased with each one of us
Be ye kind
Be ye kind
Bible Time
Let’s open the Bible and learn what God says about being kind to each other.
Read Romans 12:10: Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
God wants us to be kind to each other (hug yourself). Being kind means that we do not hit each other or yell at each other when we’re angry (frown as you’re saying this and shake your finger No). When your sister or brother takes your toy away from you, do you yell at her? Be ye kind one to another, Eph. 4:32. The Bible says that God wants you to be kind to your sister or brother. Is God happy when you make your little sister or brother cry? No (shake your head No and make a sad face)! God is very sad when you are not kind. Are you being kind when you spank your little sister or brother? (Spank your hand and make a sad face.) Nooooo, God is very sad when you spank your little sister or brother (shake your head No and make a sad face again). Be ye kind one to another, Eph. 4:32. God is very happy when you give a hug to your sister or brother because that is being kind! (Hug yourself and smile big and nod your head Yes!) God is very happy when you share with your sister or brother! Sharing is being kind! Be ye kind one to another, Eph. 4:32. Was Jesus kind? Yes, Jesus was very kind (nod your head Yes and smile). Jesus made sick people feel better. Do you remember when you had your bad cold? Jesus made you feel better. Thank You, Jesus, for helping Suzie to feel better (smile big and clap your hands)!!
Teaching Throughout the Day
As you see acts of kindness throughout the day, compliment your child and tell her/him what they did right. Suzie, sharing your toy with Mary was so kind! Mommy is so proud of you. Reinforce their good behavior. When Suzie spanks Mary, pull Suzie aside and ask her if she was being kind to her sister. Let her answer you. If she is too young to do this, then answer for her. Say, “No, Suzie, spanking Mary was not being kind at all (shaking your head No). The Bible says to: Be ye kind one to another. Eph. 4:32. Now go give Mary a nice hug and show her how good you are at being kind!”
Dear God…
Thank you for teaching us how to be kind to each other.
Help us to say nice words and to play nice with each other.
In Jesus’ Name we pray!
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