Day 16 – Who is God?

Let’s color the picture of the wind! When you go outside, can you see the wind? Can you feel the wind? The wind is just like God. We can’t see God but we can feel Him!
God is Like the Blowing Wind
(sung to Mary Had a Little Lamb)
God is like the blowing wind
Blowing wind
Blowing wind
God is like the blowing wind
I feel Him by my side.
Bible Time
(Joh 3:8 ) The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Billy’s Daddy bought him a kite and he was so anxious to go outside to fly his new kite! It had the picture of a butterfly on it and he wanted to see it fly! After Billy finished his lunch, Daddy and he went outside.
Daddy looked around and sadly said, “I’m sorry, Billy! But we can’t fly your kite right now because there isn’t any wind.”
“But why do we need the wind, Daddy?” exclaimed Billy.
Daddy said, “We need the wind to pick up your kite and make it fly, Billy.”
Billy sat on the front steps for a minute with a frown on his face.
“Daddy,” Billy asked, “How will you know when there is wind?”
Daddy responded, “You cannot see the wind but you can tell when it is there because you can feel it. Do you see that tree, Billy? Do you see any leaves moving on it?”
Billy did not see any leaves moving and just shook his head, no.
Daddy continued, “So when all the leaves begin to move, you can be sure it is the wind that is making them move. You will also feel the wind on your face, Billy. Let’s sit down on the front steps and I will tell you how the wind is just like God.”
So Billy and Daddy sat on the steps. Daddy said, “You can’t see God, can you, Billy?” Billy shook his head, no.
“You can’t see God but you can feel Him in your heart. When you tell a lie or when you disobey, don’t you feel badly?” Billy nodded. “That’s God speaking to you.”
“But, Daddy,” said Billy, “I don’t hear God speaking to me!”
“No, you don’t hear His voice but you know that you have done something wrong, don’t you? When you ask Jesus to come in your heart, He lives in your heart and you know He is there because you feel badly when you sin. Just like the wind, Billy. You don’t see the wind but you feel the wind on your face or you see it blowing in the trees. Does that make sense, Billy?”
“Yes, Daddy, it sure does!” said Billy.
Just as Billy finished speaking, he jumped up and screamed, “Daddy! I feel the wind on my face! Can we go fly my kite now?”
Daddy smiled, picked up the kite and off they went! (smile again and clap your hands)
Dear God…
Even though I can’t see You, I know you are nearby. Amen!
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