Day 14 – Being Content

Let’s color a picture of this bird and its house. The bird is sitting on the perch outside the door. (point to the opening) The bird never has to think about what clothes to wear or what food to eat or where to sleep. God takes care of the birds, doesn’t He? (smile and nod your head Yes) We will learn about this bird in today’s lesson.
(sung to The Muffin Man)
I have learned to be content
To be content
To be content
I have learned to be content
And thankful I must beThere are some who have no food
Who have no food
Who have no food
There are some who have no food
So I must not complain
There are some who have no clothes
Who have no clothes
Who have no clothes
There are some who have no clothes
God takes care of me
Bible Time
Let’s open our Bibles and read two Bible verses. Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? (Mat 6:26) Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have…(Heb 13:5a)
In Matthew 6:26, God tells us that the birds do not plant a garden but they still have food because God feeds them. Do you think the birds complain about the food that God gives them? (shake your head no and frown) Does the bird complain because he does not have any clothes? (shake your head no and frown) No, the bird does not complain about what he eats or what clothes to wear because he knows that the things God gives him are good for him.
What about your dog (or other pet you have – or a pet at a friend’s house)? Does your dog complain because you give him the same food every day? (shake head no and frown) No, your dog is happy because you are giving him food to eat. He doesn’t complain at all. In fact, he wags his tail, doesn’t he? (smile and nod your head Yes)
We should be like the animals that God has created. We should not complain because we don’t like them. We should be content with what we have. Do you know what that means? Being content means to be happy with what you have. If Mary gets a doll for her birthday or Jimmy gets a toy car, do you look at your toys and think that your toys are not good? If you do, that is because you are not happy with what you have. You are not content, the Bible says. If Mary’s lollipop is bigger than your lollipop, are you sad because you did not get one just like hers? If you are, it is because you are not content with what you have. God says in Heb 13:5 that we are to be happy with the things that we have – we must be content. Being content makes God happy and it makes Mommy and Daddy happy, too! (clap your hands and smile)
Dear God…
Help me to be content with the things I have.
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