Day 30 – God Cares for You
A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year. (Deu 11:12)
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Pe 5:7)
I searched for the word “careth” in the King James Bible and found it is used six times. Only twice is it used in reference to God. In Deuteronomy, God tells Israel that He cares for their land and that His eyes are always upon it – every day throughout the year. The Word says in 1 Peter 5 that we are to cast all our cares upon the Lord because He cares for us!
The God of yesterday is the God of today and the God who holds tomorrow! What greater comfort can a believer have then to know that this same God who told Israel He had His eye on them 24/7 cares for our needs today? What greater comfort can a believer have than to know that this same God is aware of every detail of our future. His eyes are on us 24/7 and He never sleeps! In fact, while we sleep, He is taking care of us! I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. (Psa 4:8 )
What encouragement and comfort we are privileged to have when we are born-again children of the King! Worry should not even be in our vocabulary! Rejoice, oh Christian! Your Father never sleeps and is looking out for you, ready to guide you and protect you! Thank You Lord!
Come With Rejoicing
Fanny Crosby
Come with rejoicing, come with delight,
Nature in waking, glad and bright;
Hearts overflowing gather today,
Fill us with rapture, Lord we pray.
Praise our Redeemer, tell of His love,
Praise our Redeemer, God above;
Tell of His mercy, boundless and free,
None can protect us, Lord, like Thee;
Tell of His mercy, boundless and free,
None can protect us, Lord, like Thee.
Guarded from danger, sheltered and blest,
Under His banner, calm, we rest,
Come we before Him, come with a song,
Tell how He leads us all day long.
Oh! what a Savior, gracious to all,
Oh! how His blessings round us fall,
Gently to comfort, kindly to cheer,
Sleeping or waking, God is near.
Still may His mercy tenderly flow,
Still may He guide us here below;
Then when our journey safely is past,
May we be gathered home at last.
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