Day 27 – Comforter and Teacher

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14:26)
How wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father knew we would need Someone after Christ ascended into Heaven! Not only did our Father send the Holy Spirit to reside with us until we get to Heaven (Eph. 4:30), but He sent us Someone who would comfort us and teach us!
Noah Webster defines comforter as:
One who administers comfort or consolation; one who strengthens and supports the mind in distress or danger.
Don’t you just love that definition? Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He gives us the Holy Spirit to console and comfort us when we need strengthening. This same Comforter supports our minds when we are in distress or in danger! No wonder God used the word Comforter to describe the Holy Spirit! This comforts my heart, doesn’t it comfort yours as well?
God also describes the Holy Spirit as our Teacher. John 14:26 says that He was sent by the Father in Jesus’ name and will teach us in all things. This is a wonderful depiction of the blessed Trinity. Our Teacher will reveal to us exactly what we need, when we need it. The Lord’s prayer encourages us to ask the Father for our “daily bread” but I do not believe it is for food for the body. Why? Because Matthew 6:31 states that we should not worry about what we are to eat because our Heavenly Father knows we have those needs… so why should Christ teach us to ask for our daily bread then? To me, this would be Scripture contradicting Scripture and we know that this cannot be so. I believe that the Lord’s prayer is teaching us to ask God for our spiritual bread – our daily spiritual nourishment – what HE wants us to learn that day in the Word.
I don’t know about you, but I am encouraged knowing that my Heavenly Father not only sent Christ to die for my sin and take my punishment, but He sent a Comforter and a Teacher to be with me, to comfort me and to teach me. What a compassionate God we serve! Thank You Lord!
Oh Father, You thought of everything
That this frail soul would surely need
As I walk on this pilgrim’s pathway
I will follow You as You lead!
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