This is a devotional series on the Book of Psalms written in 2014. Psalms has always been one of my favorite books in the Bible because it offers so much comfort and encouragement. I pray you are blessed!
This is a devotional series on the Book of Psalms written in 2014. Psalms has always been one of my favorite books in the Bible because it offers so much comfort and encouragement. I pray you are blessed!
What do you think about when you do your devotions? Do you simply read and walk away? Or do you sit there and think about what you’ve just read? We should be walking away with something that will carry us through the day, don’t you think? I wrote this 26-day devotional series beginning in 2013 and finished it in 2014. It covers various blessings from God’s word. As you look at this picture, think on a Bible verse and really ponder over it. That is how we glean from God’s Word. I pray it is a blessing to you!
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