Day 7 – Delight Yourself

Photography by Cecelia Becker

~Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Delighting ourselves in the Lord may sound strange to some people. However, to the believer, it is an important part of worshiping God! Noah Webster defines “delight” as:

To affect with great pleasure; to please highly; to give or afford high satisfaction or joy; as, a beautiful landscape delights the eye; harmony delights the ear; the good conduct of children, and especially their piety, delights their parents.

Do my actions affect the Lord with great pleasure? Do I please Him highly? Do I give or afford God high satisfaction and joy? Do my actions speak volumes and glorify God? These are all excellent questions to ask ourselves when we do moral inventory of our lives. Keeping our spiritual life and walk with God in check keeps us out of trouble. Even better, we have a promise that the Lord will give us the desires of our heart when we do so. Will our desires always be our “wants”? No! But they will definitely be exactly what we need.

“I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual temperature than the intensity of your prayer.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon