Day 24 – God is Good

Psalms 145:8 The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

A dear sweet lady in our Ladies Sunday School class brought up this statement:

God is not only Good, but He is ONLY Good!

Pause for a moment and think about that comment. Is there anything, then, that can happen to you that won’t be for your benefit? I’m not talking about repercussions from sin. I’m talking about those trials and tribulations that come your way, as in Job’s case. No matter what you go through, remember that the Lord God of Heaven can ONLY do good because He is only Good. Do you get it? Now look at today’s verse. Knowing that God is only Good, can you now see how He is gracious? Why? Because graciousness comes from good. Can you see how He is full of compassion? Someone who hates cannot be compassionate. Can you see how He is slow to anger and full of mercy? Oh my! Remember this when you are in the midst of trials. Know that since God is ONLY Good, He won’t give you more than you can carry on your precious shoulders, Christian. He can’t and won’t do that. Why? Because He is only Good! 🙂