Day 15 – Evolution

Photography by Cecelia Becker

Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

When all is said and done and the end of the age arrives, it won’t matter what man has taught about evolution. The truth will be made known to all mankind and all those who are not “in Christ” will be judged. The Bible says that atheists are fools – plain and simple. God doesn’t mince words, does He?

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines “fool” as:

In scripture, fool is often used for a wicked or depraved person; one who acts contrary to sound wisdom in his moral deportment; one who follows his own inclinations, who prefers trifling and temporary pleasures to the service of God and eternal happiness.

I think of the countless evolutionists and scientists who have a total disregard for the things of God. In reality, their science has become their “god”! They would rather believe in anything rather than the Bible. But God still calls them fools.

The Bible is our source for all things. It has all the answers – it’s current – it’s full of wisdom – it’s the final answer! Amen?