Day 4 – The Chief Corner Stone
Good morning, reader. I pray you are receiving as much of a blessing from this series as I am! It never ceases to amaze me how many references to Jesus one finds in the scriptures! It opens our eyes to His magnificence and power. God wants us to get to know Him through the bible and He has provided us with so many different depictions of His nature. He did not leave it to chance but gave us a gift that would open our eyes to Him! Today’s name is so very important to me. It shows me that there is only one way to God and that is through Christ. New Studio Architecture wrote a blog entitled, “Architectural Cornerstones: The Meaning, History, and Intent.” The definition of the corner stone is:
In relation to architecture, a cornerstone is traditionally the first stone laid for a structure, with all other stones laid in reference. A cornerstone marks the geographical location by orienting a building in a specific direction.
How interesting when one reads this in light of Jesus Christ, our Saviour! We find that the words “corner stone” are used four times:
All four times, they refer to Jesus Christ. We know that Christ created the universe and therefore is the Chief corner stone of all things created/made, including paying the price for our sins. The path to salvation is built on Him being the Chief corner stone – laying the foundation of Christianity and salvation for mankind. The scriptures reveal that path to us.
Not only does verse 18 say that Jesus is the head of His church but that He has preeminence in all things. The definition of “preeminence”:
The fact of surpassing all others; superiority.
Oxford Languages
Therefore, reader, there is no other way to gain entrance to Heaven than to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is no other way but through Christ Jesus. Please, if you are not a born-again Christian, reevaluate your religion and search the scriptures for truth. Go into it with an open mind – just in case you could be wrong. Eternity is a long time, my friend.
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