Day 2 – Christ

What a glorious day it is when we Christians are able to sit and study about our Wonderful Saviour!! Amen? Today’s name for Jesus is the very definition of what His mission was/is. The word Christ appears 571 times in 532 verses in the King James Bible. The word Christ in Hebrew is Messiah and Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary is:
CHRIST, n. THE ANOINTED; an appellation given to the Savior of the World, and synonymous with the Hebrew Messiah. It was a custom of antiquity to consecrate persons to the sacerdotal and regal offices by anointing them with oil.
Luk 9:20 He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God.
For a Jew to admit that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah meant eventual death. One only needs to read the history of the Apostles to learn how all of them were killed for peaching Jesus as the Christ (all except John). It was no small matter – we have to ask ourselves if we would have done the same if we knew that we would have to die in order to preach about salvation through Jesus Christ. There is coming a time where this will happen again. Christians all over the world are being persecuted and killed for their faith in the Christ of God. The Tribulation will be worse than any persecution ever, including the time of Nero and that of Hitler. We have lived a relatively easy life in the United States when it comes to practicing our faith in Jesus the Christ.
We cannot be certain that we won’t experience persecution. We were forbidden to go to church when the pandemic hit so we must not be surprised that the church will be chased underground in the future. But this is a whole other study, amen? Let’s preach Jesus the Christ as Peter did and be bold while we yet have time!
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