Day 27 – Alpha and Omega
Good morning, reader! It’s another wonderful name to be studying today! Jesus Christ is known as the Alpha and Omega in Revelation. Why would the Lord select this particular phrase to describe Himself? One has to ask, right? God has a reason for every single jot and tittle (Matt. 5:18) that He put in the scriptures so we must dig a little deeper in order to understand.
First let’s look at the verses that describe Him as Alpha and Omega. Re-read today’s scriptures above. It’s interesting to note that the Book of Revelation begins with Alpha and Omega in the first chapter and ends with Alpha and Omega in the last chapter. It’s, therefore, extremely significant.
God describes Himself as much in Isaiah 41:4. He makes it clear that He has been there through all eternity, amen?
We know from Genesis chapter 1 that God is eternal and He created all things, including time and its history and future. He was there before, during as well as what is to come. In my opinion, I believe God doesn’t see time as you and I see it. We have a very finite view in light of our own existence. But God is infinite and, therefore, He sees not only the present but the past and the future. Because of this, God views time differently than we do.
So with God being eternal, He can easily fulfill Revelation 1:8, amen?
It’s comforting to know that because Jesus Christ is in the past, present and future, He will guide us toward what is best for us. Praise the Lord for our Alpha and Omega!
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