Day 25 – The Angel of the Lord
The (or an) angel of the LORD (in Hebrew malakh YHWH “messenger of Yahweh”) is an entity appearing repeatedly in the Old Testament on behalf of the God of Israel. Another expression, Angel of the Presence, occurs only once (Isaiah 63:9).
What a beautiful depiction of Christ, amen? The angel of the LORD is known as a “Christophany.” A Christophany is an appearance or an incident where Christ appears as something else. For example, Christ appeared here as the burning bush; He appeared to Paul as a bright light; Jacob wrestled with “a man” in Genesis 32. There are countless appearances made by the angel of the LORD (all in capital letters). There are 1,086 occurrences in the King James Bible of the LORD, all in the Old Testament. LORD, in Hebrew, refers to Yahweh. The fact that Yahweh revealed Himself in various manifestations in the Old Testament shows that the Trinity is present. Jesus Christ is the Angel of the LORD (messenger of Yahweh), the mouthpiece, if you will.
Since the New Testament was written in Greek, we no longer see the word LORD spelled this way. Instead, we have the physical manifestation of Jesus Christ. Christophanies are no longer needed because they had God in the flesh! Praise the Lord for our angel of the LORD, our Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!
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