Day 18 – The Beginning of the Creation of God
Good morning! Today we’ll be looking at what the Bible refers to in the above verse. When one reads God’s word, one cannot make a judgment based on one single verse. We must read the entire chapter, sometimes the entire book in order to learn its meaning. The Bible doesn’t contradict itself so always look for a sister verse that defines it further. In fact, we’re encouraged to study whatever we read or hear to make sure we are not being misled.
Unitarians believe that Jesus Christ is one of the creations of God, not the Second Person of the Trinity. Arians believed this as well. Jesus Christ was not created but is in fact the Creator.
It makes sense when we read this verse and see that Jesus is the “firstborn from the dead.” He died on that cross and arose on the third day so that we can have new life in Him. He was the first born of the Church, the Chief Cornerstone through His sinless life, death, burial and resurrection.
Christ was there in the beginning; He created all things and, therefore, this gives Him the right to be Saviour of His creation. Praise the Lord for His unending mercy and His grace!
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