Day 14 – The Shepherd and Bishop of Your Souls

Today’s title for Jesus Christ is full of personal meaning to me!!! Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines the word “shepherd” as:
A man employed in tending, feeding and guarding sheep in the pasture.
Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
If you stop and dwell on this definition for a few moments, you can appreciate what Christ does for each one of His children! It’s the same “job description” as a parent, amen? The ultimate Shepherd takes care of us, He tends to our needs, He feeds us and He guards us from the enemy. He is the Shepherd of our souls! He tends to our salvation; He secured that salvation through His death on the cross as payment; He feeds our soul through the scriptures; He guards our souls and provides us with a way out of temptation!
The second title for Christ in today’s verse speaks of Him as a Bishop of our soul. The word “bishop” has an interesting definition.
BISH’OP, n. [L. episcopus; Gr. of, over, and inspector, or visitor; to view, or inspect; whence, to visit; also, to view. This Greek and Latin word accompanied the introduction of Christianity into the west and north of Europe.]
An overseer; a spiritual superintendent, ruler or director; applied to Christ.
I’m interested in the Greek and Latin definitions. Notice from what the word bishop is derived? Bishop is over us; He inspects us through the Holy Spirit; He visits us through His Holy Spirit and His word; He views every part of us. Praise the Lord that once we are His, He is the Shepherd and Bishop of our soul! Amen?
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