Day 11 – The Bread of God

Good morning, reader! Today’s name for Jesus is a special blessing in that it gives us the impression that He is the food we need in order to live. Food keeps the body alive – Jesus, the Bread of God keeps our spiritual body alive! The scriptures showed us from the Old Testament, bread (manna) to survive, and the New Testament that God provides Jesus Christ, the bread from heaven, to save us from our sins!
Joh 6:32-33 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. (33) For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
In both cases, God the Father provided that bread. Just as God provided a sacrifice for Abraham in place of Isaac! Christ submitted Himself and became like us so He could live a sinless life, die for our sins, and rise from the dead to conquer death! When we believe this Gospel, we receive the bread from heaven into our hearts and immediately we begin our eternal path to glory! Have you received this Bread from God? God’s word, through the scriptures, feeds our spirit like bread feeds our earthly bodies. Begin your day with that spiritual manna from God!
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