Day 10 – The Bread of Life

It’s a beautiful day today! Despite the weather outside, my heart is lit up with God’s word and I see Christ in many things which surround me – right down to the bread I’m eating 🙂
Jesus said that He is the bread of life and that whoever comes to Him shall never hunger. The earthly minded man will read this verse and will automatically think of earthly bread. But that is not what Jesus is going for in today’s name. He is teaching His disciples about salvation, about everlasting life. Jesus said that those that come to Him will NEVER hunger and NEVER thirst. He also said on the Sermon on the Mount:
Mat 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
When we hunger for God’s word and thirst after it, we shall be filled. God’s word provides salvation. God’s word provides instruction. God’s word feeds the soul. God’s word comforts in time of need. In every situation in life, the scriptures provide what we need. This Bread of Life not only saves but provides spiritual nourishment.
There is none righteous in and of himself (Romans 3:10).
Only Christ is righteous. That is why He was the only One qualified to become the sacrificial Lamb so our sins would be forgiven… not just covered, but actually forgiven! Praise God! Let the Bread of Life speak to your heart and let Him feed you on your Pilgrim walk.
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