Day 3 – Burnout

Do you find yourself feeling as though all the work you are doing for the Lord just does not seem appreciated – or even of benefit? You strive to help others but they just ignore your help. People take advantage of you and you feel used. You seem to have reached your limit and you are weary of well doing. You are not alone, dear Christian. We all reach that point at some time or another. It is important that you recognize the signs and nip them in the bud before the weariness overtakes you.
Noah Webster defines weary as:
Having the strength much exhausted by toil or violent exertion; tired; fatigued. [It should be observed however that this word expresses less than tired, particularly when applied to a beast; as a tired horse. It is followed by of, before the cause of fatigue; as, to be weary of marching; to be weary of reaping; to be weary of study.]
Having the patience exhausted, or the mind yielding to discouragement. He was weary of asking for redress.
Causing weariness; tiresome; as a weary way; a weary life.
If you were sick, you would take a day off from work and rest, wouldn’t you? Weariness can “snow ball” if it is not dealt with right away. It is at this time that we must break away from the hustle and bustle of this world and find a quiet place with the Lord. We need to refuel ourselves and get ourselves back on track.
I don’t know about you, but I feel most rewarded when I know that God is using me. I may not see the fruit of my labor but the Holy Spirit lets me know through His Word or His still small voice that I am being used to help someone else.
~Psalm 61:2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
So what’s the remedy? Take a personal day off work and get away to a quiet place that you absolutely love. If you can’t afford an entire day, then purpose in your heart to get up early and take a few extra hours alone with God! Don’t just go into your study or bedroom. Get away from your familiar surroundings. A botanical gardens is always nice – or the woods – or a pond or lake where the ducks are swimming – or even at the top of a mountain where the vista takes your breath away! Take your Bible with you and have a “sit down” with God. It should be different from your usual prayer time and devotional time with Him. It should be special – just as special as the dates with your spouse!
Just as our cars need maintenance and fuel regularly, so do we! Daily Bible reading is good but this kind of “sit down” with the Lord is needful at times. It is especially needful if you are in full-time ministry and are on the go all the time. Those in full-time ministry are always so busy working for the Lord that everyone thinks they should always be on a “spiritual high” for their well doing. But that is not the case. Those are the people who get weary and must make time with their God and have a spiritual retreat regularly.
Retreats in the Word
Spiritual retreats seemed to be the center of David’s life, in my opinion. He knew where to get his encouragement, didn’t he? Psalms is filled with beautiful verses depicting David’s needs being met because he sought his God!
~Psalm 119:15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.
David took the time to meditate in God’s Word. Sometimes an outside stimulous can enhance our meditation time. For me, it is a quiet place in the woods! I hear the crickets and birds – the sound of a babbling brook – the breeze blowing through the trees and hearing the leaves rustle. All these things draw me closer to my Creator!
My friend, you are not alone in your work for the Master! He will be coming soon and our work here will be finished. Don’t grow weary. Encourage your spirit in the Word and keep on keepin’ on!
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